Remodeling your Staircase- More often than not a staircase of a two story home is the first thing that one sees when the front door is opened. It is the beacon that alerts all guests as to the flavor of ones home. Is is a rustic stair, craftsman, traditional, a contemporary, old and out dated, well worn by the lives of it’s owners, is it inviting, or maybe mysterious. Get the picture!
Most often a client is coming to us to remodel their staircase with a very architectually out dated staircase. Maybe it has green or rust orange shag rugs (yes there are still remnents in existence) or a wrought iron balustrade attached with flimsy metal posts or traditionally turned posts where the feel of the home is more contemporary. Simply put they all are either just worn out or they have a style that has really seen it’s day.
These clients are looking for transformation and that is what they get. Overhauling a staircase can really upgrade and reorder a homes complexion.